International Trade
Trade Patterns
Soft Power and Exports
Since soft power helps exports, unpopular leaders like Trump lower exports of their countries
[Current Version] [Review of International Economics 2019] [CEPR DP 13] [NBER WP 25.439] [Data Set] [Key Output] [PPT] [PRN Presentation] [Converge by FAZ] [CNBC] -
Soft Power, Sanctions and Exports: Checking the BS in BDS
Even if the S in BDS is BS, the B is not.
[Current Version](PDF)
[Key Output] STATA data set. -
Like Me, Buy Me: The Effect of Soft Power on Exports
Countries that are seen to be a force for good by others, export more.
[Current Version] [Econonics and Politics 2016] [CEPR DP 10.713] [NBER WP 21537] [Key Output] [STATA data set] -
Who Benefits from Regional Trade Agreements? The View from the Stock Market
Stock markets rise for RTAs between countries that already export a lot, and for poor countries.
[Current Version] [European Economic Review.2014] [NBER WP 17415] [CEPR DP 8566] [Key output and data for final version] [Online Appendix] [Slides for presentation] [Converge by Economist] -
Protectionism Isn't Counter-Cyclic (anymore)
Barriers to trade like tariffs and quotas don't change much over the business cycle
[Economic Policy 2013] [NBER WP 18062] [CEPR DP 8937] [Current Version] [Original Draft] [PowerPoint Slides]Current draft
[Key Output] [STATA datasets] [Figures]Original draft
[Key Output] [STATA datasets] -
Why do Trade Negotiations Take So Long?
Regional trade agreement negotiations are shorter if the countries are closer, richer, more open and fewer.
[Journal of Economic Integration] [Edward Elgar]
in European Integration in a Global Economic Setting – CESEE and the Impact of China and Russia (edited by Nowotny, E., Mooslechner, P., and Ritzberger-Grünwald, D.)
[CEPR DP 8993] [Current Version] [Key Output] -
The Olympic Effect
Countries that try to host mega-events may really be trying to signal trade liberalization.
[Economic Journal 2011] [Current Version] [Revised Version] [Longer version] [Shorter Version] [Overhead Slides] [Sample Output] [Revision Output] [STATA Dataset] [CERP DP 7248]
[NPR Coverage] -
The Effect of Membership in the GATT/WTO on Trade: Where Do We Stand?
I review the evidence on the trade effects of WTO membership.
In Is the World Trade Organization attractive enough for emerging economic (edited by Zdenek Drabek).
A draft is available as a PDF file as in a marginal different version for the Handbook of Economic Integration (edited by Miroslav Jovanovic).
[PDF] -
The Foreign Service and Foreign Trade: Embassies as Export Promotion
Embassies and consulates have a small positive effect on exports.
[The World Economy. 2007] [NBER DP 11111] [CEPR DP 4953] [Current Version] [Revised Version] [data set] [key STATA output] [Output of revised one]
The paper is summarized in the August 2005 NBER Digest.
Forbes covered this in 9/2005 Corriere della Sera covered this in 9/2005 (easy to read ... if you speak Italian). Overhead transparencies are available as a PDF file-
If you’re interested in this, you may want to check out “Measuring the Impact of Regional Export Promotion: The Spanish Case"by Gill-Pareja,Llorca-Viero, and Martínez-Serrano (University of Valencia).
Another related paper is “State Visits and International Trade” by Volker Nitsch- Also of interest is “The Impact of Embassies and Consulates on Tourism” by Gill Pareja, Llorca-Viero, and Martínez-Serrano (University of Valencia).
- More papers of relevance; "Diplomatic Relations and Trade Reorientation in Transition Countries"by Maurel and Afman; "The Effect of Foreign Service on Trade Volumes and Trade Partners"" by Segura-Cayuela and Vilarrubia; "Is Economic and Commercial Diplomacy Useful for Developing Countries?" by Yakop and van Bergeijk;"Export Promotion Agencies" by Lederman, Olarreaga, and Payton; "Sizing up the Uneven Impact of Embassies on Exports" by Ferguson and Forslid.
If you’re interested in this, you may want to check out “Measuring the Impact of Regional Export Promotion: The Spanish Case"by Gill-Pareja,Llorca-Viero, and Martínez-Serrano (University of Valencia).
Macroeconomic Determinants of International Trade
: I survey my work on trade, currency unions, the WTO, and sovereign debt.
[NBER Report] [Fall 2004] [Current Version] -
Does the WTO Make Trade More Stable?
Membership in the GATT/WTO has no effect on trade volatility.
[Open Economic Review 2005] [NBER WP 10207] [CEPR DP 3764] [MAS OP 27] [Current Version] [Revised Version] [STATA Data set] [Sample Output] [Output and data to revised] -
Which International Institutions Promote International Trade?
The OECD works better (and the IMF and GATT/WTO worse) then you might think in promoting trade.
[Review of International Economics 2005] [CEPR DP 3764] [Current Version] [Revised Version] [STATA data set] [Output] [Output of Revised Version] -
Do We Really Know that the WTO increases Trade?
Countries in the GATT/WTO don’t trade much more than non-members.
American Economic Review 2004. NBER WP 9273. CEPR DP 3538. HKIMR WP 18/2002. MAS Occasional Paper No. 24. RSC No. 2003/15 (EUI). A fuller draft is available as a PDF file, as is a shortened version. This was summarized in the May 2003 NBER Digest. Supporting output. The bilateral data set is available in zipped STATAT rades Patterns/ 7.0 format (35MB). Note that there is a (small) error in the data set. The Penn World Table mark 6 is available elsewhere. Overheads are available as a PDF file and the PowerPoint show is also available. I sometimes refer to the actual GATT; here are some GATT articles of interest. There’s been coverage on BBC TV and radio, in the Financial Times (there’s a response in the FT from the WTO’s chief economist on Nov 14, 2002 and other responses on Nov 20 and Nov 21), theEconomist (here’s an easy version to print), a reprise from The Economist (easier to print), Bloo target="_blank"mberg, Libération, Foreign Policy, and the Financial Post (here’s an easier version to print). If you’re into non-sequiturs, check out The Road to Surfdom. I’ve been called “irreverent and contrarian” in front of the House Ways and Means committee (goodness me!). The CEPR has a press release. My son is thanked; here’s why.
Arvind Subramanian and Shang-Jin Wei have circulated their critique “The WTO Promotes Trade, Strongly but Unevenly” NBER Working Paper 10,024. My response is available as a PDF file. Supporting output and the multilateral data sets (in STATA 8.2 format) are available in a zipped file.
Goldstein, Rivers, and Tomz are circulating a critique entitled “Membership has its Privileges: The Impact of GATT on International Trade”. My early response is available as a PDF file a revision will be published in the AER as “The Gatt: It’s Everywhere You Want it to Be.” Supporting output is available in a zipped file.
Another pair of critiques are “Evaluating WTO Accessions” and “WTO Membership and Market Access” by Evenett, Gage and Kennett.
If you are interested in this area, other papers of relevance include:
- “Exploring the Intensive and Extensive Margins of World Trade” by Felbermayr and Kohler,
- “A Very Exclusive Club: The Effects of GATT, 1950-92” by Gowa and Kim,
- “WTO and Growth” by Li and Wu,
- “GATT/WTO Promotes Trade Strongly: Sample Selection and Model Specification” by Liu,
- “Russia and the WTO: The ‘Gravity’ of Outsider Status” by Lissovolik and Lissovolik, and
- “How Important is State Enforcement for Trade?” by Leeson.
- “Trading Partners and Trading Volumes” by Helpman, Melitz and Rubinstein.
- “Demystifying Modelling Methods for Trade Policy” by Piermartini and Teh.
- “Joining the World Trade Organization: It’s All About the Exports” by Christopher Balding.
- “What is Known about the Effects of WTO Accession on Developing Countries?” by Evenett
- “On the Emergence of an MFN Club” by Saggi and Sengul
- “Do the WTO and the GSP foster bilateral trade " by Herz and Wagner
- “The WTO Trade Effect” by Chang and Lee.
- “The Impact of the GATT/WTO on Trade: Formal Members vs. Non-member Participants” by Liu.
- “In Search of WTO Trade Effects” by Eicher and Hennn.
- “Corruption and Bilateral Trade Flows” by Dutt and Traca.
- “Properly Measuring the Impact of Multilateral Institutions on World Trade" by Kim. My response is available as a PDF file.
- “WTO Membership and the Extensive Margin of World Trade" by Felbermayr and Kohler.
- “Is the WTO Mystery Really Solved?" by Jayjit Roy.
- “Agriculture and the WTO" by Boys and Grant.
- “Does WTO Matter for the Extensive and the Intensive Margins of Trade" by Dutt, Mihov and Van Zandt.
- “Does the GATT/WTO Promote Trade? After All,Rose was Right" by Esteve-Perez,Gil-Pareja, and Llorca-Vivero.
Is Trade Good or Bad for the Environment? Sorting out the Causality
Trade isn’t bad for the environment.
[ The Review of Economics and Statistics 2005.] [NBER WP 9201] [Current Version] [Shorter Version] [STATA data set] [Key Output] [ Reviewed in NBER Digest, November 2002.] - If you are interested in this work, you should read “ The Environmental Consequences of Trade” by Millimet
Using the Gravity Model to Differentiate Among Alternative Theories of Trade
There’s more to gravity than you think.
[NBER WP #6804] [CEPR DP No. 2035] [Current Version] [Revised Version] [STATA data set] [Sample Output] -
Putting Things in Order: Trade Dynamics and Product Cycles
Countries and goods can be ordered by export timing.
[Review of Economics and Statistics 2000] [NBER WP 5975] [CEPR DP 1629] [Current Version] [STATA data set (raw data)] [STATA data set(country rankings)] [STATA dictionary] -
Dynamic Measures of Competitiveness: Are the Geese Still Flying in Formation?
Asians export in an order.
[Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Economic Letter 1997.] [Current Version]